Powerutils 1.9 is now available for download containing 99 utils.
| | Tips which I felt are real good will be posted here. Please be patient for
a long list. In
the meantime read some of the Tutorials or what lies in store in powerutils ver
Whenever you enter a date use the following format =date(year,month,date)
it might take a second more but you can easily do date
arithmetic later on.
Spend a bit of time learning the following functions
in Excel which can come as blessing in disguise at a crutial time, I
will add tutorials for these. =if, and, or , =left,
=mid, =right, =len, =value, =vlookup
The character "&" (without the quotes)
can be used to join the contents of 2 cells or add text and
reference to a cell address. For example in cell A1 you write
="Todays is "&d1 , in d1 put =now() and format it as a
date and make the font white color..try it out. Use this idea for
more complicated formulas.
Whenever you put a formula use =round(formula,decimal
point) where formula is the the references/numbers and decimal
point refers to the the number after decimal point. Without this if
you add 2.3 in one cell with 2.3 in another cell you will get
obviously 4.6, but by chance you format the sheet to zero decimal
point then the figures becomes 2 + 2 is 5....your Boss will
not be Happy about it.